The Canavan Gourmet Camper 

Proving that The Canavan really is the van that can, we've taken on a temporary spot at our local farmers' markets for the winter. Adam will be putting his background in food and catering to good use, and cooking up a storm in our trusty 'mini' kitchen in the van.

3 weeks in, and we're having a ball. The feedback from our local community, both for The Canavan and the food, has been incredible, with one very satisfied customer exclaiming "That was hands down the best ever breakfast I have ever had!".

The menu is based on campfire-meals, with a gourmet twist, with all the ingredients sourced straight from the farmers wherever possible. 

If you live locally (Byron or Tweed) and are lucky enough to not work Tuesdays, then do pop-by and say hi.

New Brighton Farmers' Markets
River St, New Brighton (Map)
Every Tuesday, 8-11am

The Canavan Byron Shire News June 2014